A platform dedicated to the reproduction and circulation of anarchist ideas, news, demonstrations, solidarity, community building and communication.
AboutOmar Aziz was Syrian anarchist who played an important role in the Syrian revolution. He came back to Syria in 2011 to join the revolution, but was captured and thrown in the brutal prisons of the regime that ended his life.
Why is it allowed that these people were able to come to the Netherlands in the first place? And how were they able to spew their hatred undisturbed?" Well, it...
It has been quite some time since our last update! After the summer break, we're back to work. It's a short update but here's what we've up to in the last weeks.
Forum voor Georganiseerd Anarchisme (FvGA)
The goal of this report is to share some brief reflections on our recent visit to Hamburg whilst attending the re:FUSE congress. For those who could not attend, we hope that this text will provide some insight. To those present, let this be a contribution to an ongoing discussion and exchange of ideas. We have written this text collectively.
Forum voor Georganiseerd Anarchisme (FvGA)
Big nationwide uprising in Indonesia against an authoritarian feudal power grab of the president who installed his own son and family members in several strategic positions, and pressured parliament to smooth his accumulation of power. Trying to establish a new dynasty. Recently parliament tried to pass the regional head election bill for the succession of his second son as governor. The people are fed up with it and in the past three days protests have exploded everywhere. Anarchists are at the forefront.
We’re back with another short summary of what we’ve been working on during the last months (May and early June).
Forum voor Georganiseerd Anarchisme (FvGA)
In combination with bottom-up neoliberal redistribution and a brutalisation of ethics and language, this new fascist wave threatens to develop into a tsunami.
An interview with Wafa from Gaza. She isn't an anarchist, but a single parent of six children who is trying to survive. Her story needs to be heard.
Foto's met dank aan Deeez actiefotografie! Uit de flyer die eerder verspreid is in de omgeving van Kamp Zeist: "Hier vlakbij zit het “Justitieel Complex Zeist”. Een gevangenis voor verschillende groepen mensen: gevluchte gezinnen met kinder…
Indymedia.nl | indymedia.nl
vrijdag 22 december 2023 Zo, het prikje zit er weer in. Het was vandaag – vrijdag 22 december 2023 –
Egel | peterstormt.nl
22 december 2013 – Afgelopen donderdag zijn door de Anarchistische Anti-Gevangenis Groep (AAGG) in Soesterberg en Amersfoort 2000 flyers verspreid in de omgeving van ‘Justitieel Complex Zeist’ om zichtbaar te maken wat in hun achtertuin geb…
Vrije Markt | ravage-webzine.nl
“Het heeft jaren geduurd, maar de EU-lidstaten en het Europees Parlement zijn erover uit: er komen nieuwe Europese regels voor asiel en migratie. Migranten krijgen volgens het akkoord vanaf 2026 aan de buitengrenzen van de EU t…
Doorbraak.eu | doorbraak.eu
Onze opvatting van feminisme vanuit het perspectief van georganiseerd anarchisme - CAB
Forum voor Georganiseerd Anarchisme (FvGA)
hola, Op 12 oktober had het CNI (het nationaal inheems kongres in Mexico) opgeroepen om akties tegen de kolonisatie en de oorlog die tegen de inheemse bevolking plaats vindt (ook voornamelijk de oorlog tegen de Zapatisten). Radio Papillon h…
Radio Papillon Crew | indymedia.nl
8 januari, 24
2 oktober, 23
22 september, 23
11 september, 23
10 juli, 23