The regime is dead! The legacy of Omar Aziz is alive!

Omar Aziz was Syrian anarchist who played an important role in the Syrian revolution. He came back to Syria in 2011 to join the revolution, but was captured and thrown in the brutal prisons of the regime that ended his life.
He passed away before seeing the fall of the regime, before reaping the fruits of his majestic work. But today we can finally claim:
📣 The regime is dead! The legacy of Omar Aziz is alive!
▪️ This is a call, a call to remember, a call to struggle. Omar Aziz has been an inspiration for many of us, and his legacy is alive.
▪️ This February 16th, on the 12 anniversary of his death from the brutal prisons of the regime, let’s celebrate life and let’s celebrate revolution.
▪️ And let’s fight. Because nothing less than a fight like hell for Syria will suffice!
You can read here the call to organize events in his memory:
The call is also in Arabic:
In the website you can also find a .PDF with a selection of several articles about the Syrian revolution. Most of them are public on the internet.
Spread this call! Share it with your friends and social networks! Remember Omar Aziz and honor his legacy!
Also see the excellent video from Sub.Media on the fall of the Assad regime
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