May/June updates from FvGA

We're back with another short summary of what we've been working on during the last months (May and early June).
* We were present at Pinksterlanddagen (PL 24) this year with a stall full of anarchist zines on the topic of organized anarchism and there are some images and our flyer text on the forum.
* We have digitized quite a few texts - in part due to our ongoing research as part of writing the manifesto - and translated them into Dutch where necessary: Feminisme en Georganiseerd Anarchisme (CAB) (also reposted on our website), Anarchisme en Organisatie (Malatesta), Problemen der anarchistische beweging (A. De Jong), De sociaal-democratie en de oorlog (Lehning), De Internationale Broederschap (Bakoenin), De piramide der tirannie (Ramaer), Ferdinand Domela Nieuwenhuis: Anarchist and Messiah (R. De Jong), Hoe zeg je 'Especifismo' in het Nederlands (Stroud) en Anarchisme en Cultuur (Lehning).
* We're finally heading into the last session of our Especifismo study group. This was the first time we ran the group, which really was an exploratory "try-out", with sections of the material being brand new, largely not translated into Dutch and compiled in the hope that it would be readable and educational. We would like to thank every participant for their efforts, patience and input. Participants are invited to join FvGA and a new edition of the study group will be announced in the coming months.
* In addition to the study group material, we also compiled and published a reading list for those who want to delve deeper into topics related to anarchism, organized anarchism and Especifismo.
* We're happy to report making contact with a former member of the Irish Workers Solidarity Movement (WSM) who lives in the Netherlands. The WSM was unfortunately discontinued in 2021, but has gained, in 37 years of activity, a lot of experience about class struggle in the context of organized anarchism. We're of course delighted to dive into learning about that together.
* In the coming weeks we will again focus on drawing up the first draft of our manifesto for the new organization.
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