Forum voor Anarchisme
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Fva is...

  • A DIY countermedia platform for publishing and signalboosting relevant info, ideas, news, demonstrations, solidarity, theory, and self-promoting material for local anarchists and other autonomous radicals.
  • Sometimes shitposting.
  • An informal collective consisting mainly of burnt-out anarchists, queers, and nerds who have found each other largely online.
  • A platform to provide online tools and space for networking, communication, and meeting between organizations, affinity groups, and individuals. To create the opportunity for online community, sharing of news and information, planning of actions, and for social connection with like-minded people.

FvA came into being in 2020 and has quite a dynamic structure. Things arise and disappear because of the collective or individual time and energy present among the people involved. And on some occasions we even fight among each other about punk bands.If people like the project, they are welcome to offer their own resources to expand what FvA is capable of as a collective.You can reach us through any of our channels or at fva[at]

What we are not

  • A replacement for existing organizations or platforms, FvA is not intended to replace or get in the way of organizations, but rather to be used as a loudspeaker for these organizations and support them. - A member organization.



FvA socials:

For contact or questions, email

FvA is not associated with anonymous submissions published on this website.