[International] Uprising Indonesia against a feudal power grab by the sitting president and his family

News from our connections in Indonesia:
Big nationwide uprising in Indonesia against an authoritarian feudal power grab of the president who installed his own son and family members in several strategic positions, and pressured parliament to smooth his accumulation of power. Trying to establish a new dynasty. Recently parliament tried to pass the regional head election bill for the succession of his second son as governor. The people are fed up with it and in the past three days protests have exploded everywhere. Anarchists are at the forefront.
Most info from anarchist and anti-authoritarian sources seems to happen on Instagram mostly, here are some accounts:
- https://www.instagram.com/pustakacatut/
- https://www.instagram.com/kolektifa/
- https://www.instagram.com/perhimpunan.merdeka/
You can find some videos from these sources on our telegram channel: https://t.me/forumvoorgeorganiseerdanarchisme
More info on the matter by Indonesia liberal media: https://www.thejakartapost.com/indonesia/2024/08/22/protests-in-multiple-cities-as-house-delays-change-to-election-law.html
And a just released statement by the especifismo/platfomist organisation: Perhimpunan Merdeka - Makassar
[auto translated by DeepL]
Don't be Naive! Liberal Democracy Can't Be Reformed! *
That's right, Indonesia is in an emergency! Not because of natural disasters or war, but a situation that might lead Indonesia to become the next Bangladesh!!!
We all understand, they can make and revoke any rules they want. No need to grumble and complain. The elites can do it because the system supports it. There is no point in talking about the morals and ethics of the elites, after all our politics is like that. Glorifying democracy, defending it and trying to sanitize it, will get us nowhere. Because this is actually the most efficient way for the elite to stay in power, without having to become “dictators”.
The democracy we defend, is not the democracy that gives us the power to determine our fate. The democracy you are fighting for only gives legitimacy to those who have access to the circle of power.
Because we are the mendang-mending people, who are crushed by daily economic problems, inhuman wages, threats of eviction, forced loss of customary land and cultivated land, and the increasingly absurd education system, we must have a different dream from the elites. We must break the chain of oppression from our minds, by thinking of democratic platforms that are truly democratic and in our control.
We must therefore restore politics as the direct management of public affairs, by citizens through democratic institutions, especially in the form of citizens' councils, workers' councils, farmers' councils, and so on. We must return politics to open spaces, to street corners, parks, stalls and public spaces. People will gather spontaneously in the square, or the village hall, starting a general meeting to discuss their problems and decide on a course of action.
These democratic institutions should be open, political, and based on direct democracy. The basic idea is simple, everyone should be able to represent themselves, and the political process should be able to take place at the smallest level (community, workplace, school, village, etc.). In direct democracy “representatives” are not needed and all decision-making is done from below. Therefore, we don't need a bunch of elites to represent us. This is the true meaning of reclaiming sovereignty, putting it back in the hands of the people!
This political process allows politics and democracy to take place without intermediaries and connects people with everything related to their daily lives and become real political subjects. In other words, they represent themselves.
Only by establishing these forms of self-organization can the embryo of real social change be grown to replace this decaying social order.
Free Association - Makassar
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