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anarchokrant3 maart 2025

Movie screening // Benefit for Solidarity Collectives

Author: AGA | GEPLAATST DOOR: De Anarchokrant | Bron:


This Thursday 6th of March at 19.30 in Bollox, join us for a movie screening of the Swiss directed and produced movie Unrueh/ Unrest which we are organizing as a benefit for Ukrainian comrades. 

A story of anarchist Swiss watchmakers and their daily struggles to organize in 19th century Jura valley, Switzerland.

The film weaves a slow, methodical slice of life style of filming that has no action and lacking any significant drama and attempts to shine a realistic light on the day to day life of the times. The film also features a role of a young Piotr Kropotkin during his time in Switzerland.

The film is spoken in Swiss German, French and Russian but subtitled in English.

Snacks will also be available and all earnings will be donated. 

Join us for a chill night and to support comrades in Ukraine!

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