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Anarchokrant docs


laatst bij gewerkt: 26/10/23

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The command used to turn the single page PDF into a printable booklet

pdfbook2 -s --no-crop -o 0 -i 0 -t 0 -b 0 <pdf>

(Linux terminal command)


  • It's a maximum 5 pages newspaper (20 pages, 5 A3)
  • First section: national news, second section: international news
  • We don't include events or other monthly updates, we point to radar squat and other resources
  • We use QR codes for links to petitions or other resources that are important to reference
  • Don't become a centralised distribution, have others print them and/or make their own versions

PR stuff




  • More TBA

Money things

  • Paperjam: 50 cents an issue
  • Varia: 22 cents an issue
with the current paper we have at varia (20 EUR for 500 sheets! it's 4 cents a sheet) and the toner in the printer (152 EUR for 30000 prints!), we are estimating a literal half a cent per page cost hahahaha... so that is 22 cents per issue total! and then we could even add labour costs on this + shipping
further chaos math: if we sold 40 copies for 2 EUR a copy, we could break even + 10 EUR profit - this includes 2 hours labour @ 30 EUR an hour for one person. maybe more relevant for the DOPE paper production if we're sticking to g r a t i s here
