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anarchokrant9 september 2023

Large climate justice protests happening in the NL this weekend

GEPLAATST DOOR: De Anarchokrant | Bron:

Nieuws, gepost door: nn op 06/09/2023 09:11:35

Wanneer: 06/09/2023 - 10:24

XR NL has a big day of action coming up this Saturday, another mass highway blockade in The Hague against the €37 billion annual fossil subsidies, for the NL alone.

These repeated protests have been growing bigger and bigger over the past year, from a first action with just 30 people, to about ~6.000 taking action in the last protest in May and nearly 1.600 people arrested. This time XR has announced a "permanent blockade", promising to return every day at noon in case of eviction the previous day. A very wide coalition of organisations and people is supporting the blockade and / or the (non-disobedient) "support demo" that will happen next to it.

Besides the blockade and the support demo there is also a multi-day 100km march, departing from three different locations and then converging towards The Hague.

The A12 highway target was chosen because the beginning of this road runs in between parliament, the ministry for economic affairs and climate and the national 'employers' organisation. Protest at this location is disruptive, but it is possible for motorists to take a detour.

Potentially these actions could spill over into the #EndFossilFuels time frame, but it remains to be seen what happens. The Dutch government resigned at the end of July and there will be new elections on the 22nd of November, which is expected to add energy to the mobilisation.

Coming up later this fall: 11th of October: "Stop destroying, start paying" Extinction Rebellion and Greenpeace mass action against Rabobank financing of industrial agriculture and livestock farming ( )

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