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anarchokrant14 mei 2024

[WED May 15th] Sit-ins in across the NL - national action on NAKBA DAY

Author: | GEPLAATST DOOR: De Anarchokrant | Bron:

Nieuws, gepost door: nn op 14/05/2024 05:12:37

Wanneer: 14/05/2024 - 11:49

The Palestinian community in the Netherlands and Sit-in 4 Palestine NL are calling for a national action on NAKBA DAY, Wednesday, May 15.

As the horrific Israeli assault on Gaza continues, we must continue to raise our voices: against the ongoing Nakba and for an end to the genocide in Gaza, for our right and duty to demonstrate and against police violence and Zionist attacks on our protests in the Netherlands.

????Fifteen cities are confirmed to participate! On NAKBA Day, let’s flood the NL with Palestinian flags and resound with chants for a free Palestine! ????????

As events continue to unfold rapidly both in Palestine and in the NL, please keep an eye out for potential last minute changes to these plans. ????

Click here to share the announcement on Instagram:

In Amsterdam, we will start at 6pm with a sit-in at the City Hall (Stopera). We will then march past the formerly liberated zone of UvA Binnengasthuis, ending with a sit-in at the UvA Maagdenhuis. There, we will hold two minutes of silence for the victims of the Nakba and the current genocide in Gaza.

Click here for the precise start location:

Click here for a really strong interview with Jewish anthropologist Maya Wind. She investigated the intertwining of Israeli universities with the state and the military, and argues for an academic boycott

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