Update FvGA, what we were working on last February

Brief summary of what we were working on last month (Feb).
- We made connections with the relatively new Organização Socialista Libertária from Brazil. Even though this organization is fairly new it contains collectively accumulated knowledge from over 40 years of anarchist organizing and social work/input into multiple movements including the Landless movement. The organization is an amalgamation of several Brazilian groups including the FARJ. They have offered to further help us set up our organization here.
- We have also connected with Die Platform and Perspektive Selbstverwaltung from Germany, they are also helping us and we have already learned a lot from them. Especially also about the insight to anchor feminism in our organizational structure, more on this later.
- With the help of someone outside the organization we started the translation of a text[1] by Rudolf de Jong called: Some remarks on the libertarian conception of revolutionary social change. This text has made a strong impact in Brazilian organized anarchism and is cited in the FARJ's Social Anarchism and Organization book. The text is a transcript of a lecture De Jong gave in Brazil in the 1970s. The text has been translated into several languages but never into Dutch. And we hope to publish it in Dutch. De Jong himself has given us assurances and told us that he would like to see the text published in Dutch.
- We have also made contacts within NL with new forming groups.
- A few people have signed up for interest in helping us and we are now looking to set up an internal study group to all get on the same level in terms of theory.
- We are also in the process of setting up our manifesto, with our principles and strategies, this will be a longer project that we want to take our time on but set a deadline for. The date has yet to be set. When this is finished we will start the real organization, FvGA will then be dropped. For this process we are possibly looking for people who are well versed in anarchist theory towards organized dualism, especifismo and platformism to help us with this.
- We did our first presentation on "social insertion" at 2Dh.5. This presentation was well received and we will probably give it at several places around the country. If people are interested in this you can send us an email, if your anarchist group is interested in the topic we can come by and give the presentation to the group alone and discuss it further.
For contact we can be reached at fva[@]riseup.net
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