Q&A with Fauda: questions submitted by anarchists & others from around the world

Firstly, regarding your question about the « two-state solution », we will never accept the two-state solution. Imagine someone comes to your home and forcefully robs your home. After he sees that you are resisting and won’t leave your home, he suggests that you share your home between you both. Does this make sense to you? If this is logical, then all of the following events are also logical: Someone steals your mobile phone on the street, gets caught, and then suggests you share that phone or sell it and split the money. Or someone steals your car and after he realizes that you will never give up your car, he suggests that you share the car or sell it and split the money.
There are many, very comparable examples to our situation with the Zionists, and no sane mind accepts them, so why do you expect us to accept the « two-state solution »?
We completely reject the two-state solution. But this does not mean that we do not accept Jews in Palestine. Before the Zionists occupied our lands, we all lived in peace in our lands and did not face any problems, neither with Muslims, nor with Christians, nor with Jews, nor with any other religion.
We seek our individual & social freedoms. In fact, we do not want any country to rule us, but this will lead to other matters and will complicate matters. The conditions in Palestine are completely different from the atmosphere in Europe and America.
Currently, we reject the Palestinian Authority headed by Mahmoud Abbas, and we completely reject the Zionist occupation, which takes away all the freedoms of the Palestinians.
Frankly, currently the only practical solution we have is the one-state solution. But this does not mean that we will not offer other options in the future. We may face some circumstances in the future that enable us to present other options and pursue them. Most of our focus as anarchists here is on the new generation. The new generation must know how our conflict with Israel began. The Israeli media is currently focusing on reversing historical facts. The Arabic « Makan » channel, which broadcasts around the clock in the Arabic language, broadcasts films, documentaries, and television programs targeting the new generation and seeking to shape their ideas, mislead and brainwash them.
One of the very dangerous actions and activities practiced by Israel is that it is trying to change academic subjects in Arab schools through its influence with the traitorous Palestinian Authority, in favor of its policies. In other words, Israel cannot even accept the differences in cultures among us.Look! When we see these practices by the apartheid regime, how do you expect us to believe that Israel seeks to establish two independent « states » on Palestinian lands? How do you want us to believe that it will allow us to be independent? All of these are lies. Israel has lied to us for the past 75 years on many issues. We will not let them deceive us again. We first determine what Israel’s goals are (whether political, cultural, intellectual, or other goals) and then we organize activities that are compatible with the local Palestinian culture to confront these Israeli racist practices. The main question we have as Palestinian anarchists is to guarantee our individual and social freedoms. Often, even a workers’ state as a transitional stage causes major problems and can lead to tyranny, injustice, and the abuse of power to take away the freedoms of others. Focusing excessively on laws and the management of society by the state will lead to excessive accumulation of power, as we have seen in many Marxist movements, and this will increase the possibilities of corruption and tyranny. We also believe in the complete abolition of states, but if there is no escape from the existence of the state, there must be a small state with very limited powers in which all segments of society participate.
But currently in Palestine the main issue is not this. We are now living in an atmosphere of war. We first want to remove the occupying entity from existence. That’s why no one is raising these issues now. Conditions do not allow us to search for these matters. We are currently experiencing a crisis. We need to make great efforts and it will take a long time for people here to recognize these theories, let alone accept them. Most people here in Palestine live in a religious atmosphere (whether Islamic, Christian,Jewish, or other) and have cultures that are completely different from European, American, and other cultures. This is why our people sometimes see social classes and the differences between these classes as very natural and sensical. Here in Palestine, we try to focus on commonalities more than differences. Of course, there are many things that Palestinian society, especially the older generations, may not accept. The reason is that they were raised in a somewhat traditional and religious environment.
But what do we do? First, we focus on the new generation, which has more vitality and activity than others and can accept many of the new ideas that we put forward, or at least can deal with them more openly. Secondly, we do not see the time as appropriate to discuss controversial matters, but rather we emphasize solidarity and cooperation together to achieve our common goals. There are a large number of our siblings from other religions and different orientations with whom we cooperate, including Jews, Christians, Muslims, LGBTQ+, and others. We need very broad media support. Currently, the Palestinian media is blacked out and blocked all over the world, especially in the West. We call on all our siblings and comrades in the world to officially monitor Palestinian news from Palestinian channels, translate it into English or other European, Asian and African languages, and publish it in their media. But unfortunately so far no one has responded to us. We call on all our anarchist siblings and others who stand in solidarity with the Palestinian cause not to be satisfied with the news published by well-known Western government channels. Because we see that they distort and falsify the facts and do not publish much of what is happening in the Palestinian arena.
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