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anarchokrant21 december 2023 Nederlands

Support factory occupiers - for their livelihoods, democracy and ecological transition

Author: Vrije Markt | GEPLAATST DOOR: De Anarchokrant | Bron:

Support factory occupiers - for their livelihoods, democracy and ecological transition

In July 2021, workers at the Italian auto parts factory GKN received notice: the company will be closed immediately. 500 people lose their jobs. Many rules were broken, both in terms of the local collective labor agreement and at European level. This despite the fact that the company is doing well. The reason behind it: the British investment fund Melrose, which owns the factory, is trying to maximize short-term profits for shareholders. However, the factory's workers are highly organized. Through the trade union, the FIOM-CGIL. And also through an autonomous factory collective (Colletivo Di Fabrica). Moreover, the workers can also count on strong support from activists, united as Insorgiamo ('Let's rise up'). Almost immediately, a 'permanent meeting' was declared at the factory, which amounts to an occupation. The aim of this, among other things, is to prevent accomplices of the investment fund from removing the machines from the factory. There were large demonstrations as well as strikes by other workers in the same sector.

Together with a legal offensive, it ensured that the dismissals were declared illegal. This gave the workers some breathing room. At the same time, it became clear that Melrose wanted to continue with their plan at all costs. So the workers started thinking about a restart, under their own management. The workers have decided to produce electric cargo bikes and solar panels. The first prototypes of cargo bikes have already been made. However, it appears that the layoffs can still be continued from January 1, 2024. And the factory becomes yet another profitable real estate project of an investment fund. The workers have announced that they will continue to fight:

“There is no third way: GKN becomes an empty building or a socially integrated factory. Or it becomes a symbol that sooner or later, one way or another, 'they' will win. Or an example that we can win, here and now. (...) We have no choice. This is our workplace. We will try to resist until the end. You have a choice. Either you can passively notice how it all turned out, or you can engage with the existence of a concrete example of new power relations for the trade union movement, social justice and the climate movement.”

What you can do:

- Support the workers and their plans financially by becoming a social shareholder.

(1 share costs 100 euros, and they are sold in packs of 5. This way you can invest together with friends if 500 is too much for you. For more information and to register, see If you want to invest 100 - 500 and are looking for people to reach 500 together, please send us a message at vrijemarkt [a]

- Spread the GKN story. Share this post; follow 'Insorgiamo Con I Lavoratori GKN' on Instagram and Facebook; keep sharing the developments.

** is a point of sale for products from 'free companies', also known as self-managed companies, worker-controlled means of production, etc. We are committed to building a truly free, solidary and environmentally friendly economy.**

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