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blog29 oktober 2023 Nederlands

Silverfish in Rotterdam

Author: zilvervisjes | GEPLAATST DOOR: zilvervisjes

We're happy to announce a new anarchist group in Rotterdam called the silverfish!

Our name takes inspiration from the insects who have been eating our books since the eviction of the radical library at ZMS. Silverfish devour books and we aspire to do the same.

Lately, it would seem that anarchist self-organisation is at a low point here in Rotterdam but new squats are open and film screenings, weekly VoKu and pirate printing continues! We want to make these efforts more visible to anarcho and anarcho-curious alike in the city.

For now, we are focused on re-opening the radical library. You can get in touch via or follow us on Instagram (@zilvervisjes010). We speak Dutch, English, Spanish and Turkish.


The silverfish

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