VBAmsterdam Movie night: Dear Kelly
Join us this Valentine to watch a movie together and to hear about the new campaign Vrije Bond Amsterdam is working on!
About the movie:
In Dear Kelly, Andrew Callaghan investigates about the life of Kelly Johnson, a participant at a 2021 White Lives Matter rally in Huntington Beach, California, delving into Johnson’s background and beliefs.
Callaghan believes that domestic radicalisation can be a result of a deeply personal tragedy. Kelly sparks up this belief in him when he opens up about how he had his house stolen from him by a man named Bill Joiner. At first, on the surface, it looks and feels like Kelly is just looking for an excuse to hang his anger on.
But the more Callaghan gets to know him the more he begins to see where it all went wrong for Kelly.
Date & Time:
Friday, 14 February, 2025 – 19:00
Place: Huis Vrederiks, Frederiksplein 52
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