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anarchokrant15 juli 2024

Pro-Palestijnse activisten openen Hiba Abu Nada Campus in gekraakt pand op Tussen Meer 85

Author: | GEPLAATST DOOR: De Anarchokrant | Bron:

Nieuws, gepost door: nn op 15/07/2024 07:03:49

Wanneer: 14/07/2024 - 14:13

Zondag 14 juli rond 2 uur 's middags openden pro-Palestijnse demonstranten Tussen Meer 85 en openden daar de Hiba Abu Nada Campus, het tweede gebouw van de People's University. Het pand is gekraakt.

Het pand is vernoemd naar de Palestijnse dichteres, schrijfster en onderwijzeres Hiba Abu Nada. Zij is vermoord door tijdens een door Israël uitgevoerde genocidale luchtaanval op Khan Yunis op 20 oktober 2023.

Eerder pand
Eind mei openden activisten de Shadia Abu Ghazaleh campus op Achter Oosteinde. Op deze plek leerden zij samen "resistance, defense and escalation". Ook op deze campus zullen mensen uit alle lagen van de samenleving samenkomen om te leren en te strijden voor een vrij Palestina, het vallen van de Zionistische entiteit, imperialisme, kapitalisme en fascisme. "The list is endless and the frontier is everywhere".

Speech die werd voorgelezen bij onthulling:

the Zionist entity, the military industrial complex, neo-colonialism, imperialism, capitalism, fascism – the list is endless and the frontier everywhere,

Today is day 282 of ongoing Genocide in Gaza.
Today, in Amsterdam, we are opening the second building of the People's Univeristy.

The Hiba Abu Nada Campus.

At our first Campus were learned in Shadia abu Ghazalehs's spirit about Resistance, defense and escalation.

We wish to learn here, with the Spirit of Hiba Abu Nada by our side.
She was a Palestinian poet, novelist and educator.
She was murdered in an genocidal airstrike on the 20. of October 2023 in Khan Yunis.

In one of her poems she writes the following:

How alone we are!
This is an age of insolence,
and no one will stand by our side,

I'm sorry Hiba.
I'm sorry you did not live to see thousands and millions join the struggle for a free Palestine. You did not live to see the Student Intifada. You knew nothing of the bricks that were about to be unearthed.

I'm sorry we left you alone Hiba, I am sorry we are too late.

More than 90 Palestinians were killed in al-Mawasi refgugee camp yesterday, 20 while praying in Shati refugee camp. We are still too late

The actions we take every day mean nothing in the face of such horrors.

That I am sorry means nothing

And yet

we must persist

This is what Palestine teaches us.

Moments before her death Hiba wrote about how Amidst the ruins, a new city emerges—a testament to [their] resilience. [How] Cries of pain echo through the air, mingling with the blood-stained garments of doctors. Teachers, despite their grievances, embracing their little pupils, while families display unwavering strength in the face of adversity.

We are facing an enemy much larger than ourselves -

the Zionist entity, the military industrial complex, neo-colonialism, imperialism, capitalism, fascism – the list is endless and the frontier everywhere,

But this also means that even the smallest act of resistance pushes our lines forward
We are fighting with and for Palestine

as we fight with and for each other

for a future in which all of us are free

and we have so much to learn

Solidarity is a practice.

through each other we turn from isolated objects into subjects

capable of changing and of shaping change in any way we can

Solidarity is a discipline

of sticking to each other in difficult times and to holding each other accountable whenever possible

Solidarity is a garden

that we cultivate and grow together, it takes patient tending.

Solidarity is a school

and we have so much to learn

We are opening the Hiba Abu Nada Campus in the hopes

to deepen and spread our solidarity

to find common ground

and to build a resilient movement

that can never be stopped

All Universities in Gaza have been bombed, but from their rubble,

universities of Palestinian liberation shall rise!

Free Palestine!

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