Anarcha-feminist readings and discussions
- October 21st, 2024
Wednesday October 23, 2024, Anarcha-feminist readings and discussions. From 19:30.
Let’s read some zines, books, or other anarcha-feminist texts together! This time and space are meant to learn and discuss topics related to anarchafeminism, feminism, and anarchism, and most importantly, to offer a space for anarchafeminists to hang out, have a drink, vent about cismen, and organize, perhaps. So, if you’re not that much into theory (kind of like the organizer), you’re still welcome!
Important: Bring your zines and books!!
Event catered to WLINT* (Women, lesbians, intersex, non-binary, transgender) people
PS: Place is wheel-chair friendly and it’s warm and cozy inside, children welcome
Anarcha Feminist Group Amsterdam (AFGA)
anarchafemsterdam [at] riseup [dot] net
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