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anarchokrant12 september 2024

From militarism to collective safety: Stopping the endless rush to war

Author: Stop Wapenhandel | GEPLAATST DOOR: De Anarchokrant | Bron:

From militarism to collective safety: Stopping the endless rush to war

12 september 2024

Antimilitarist workshop at Ignite Festival of Radical Ideas

We will discuss the massive increase in military spending and militarisation globally and focus on how we can stop this military juggernaut. What alternative narratives and policies can the left offer? How can we build bridges and organise better?

The festival starts at 10:00, the opening plenary at 10:30. The antimilitarist strategies workshop takes place from 11:30 to 13:00. There will be an introduction on global militarisation by the Transnational Institute and Stop Wapenhandel, and a panel with, amongst others, Benjamin Baars (Stop Wapenhandel) Eline van der Kaaden (Christian Collective, De Nieuwe Vredesbeweging) and Ludo De Brabander ( Please order your (free) ticket here.

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