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anarchokrant3 september 2024

Radical Sunday School: How to dress like an anarchist

Author: Börek | GEPLAATST DOOR: De Anarchokrant | Bron:

- September 3rd, 2024

Sunday September 8, 2024, Radical Sunday School: How to dress like an anarchist. From 18:00 till 20:00.Clothes form a central part of human life. Each day we choose what to wear, to dress the part in the theatre of life. On this stage, every item of clothing is entwined with some meaning. Think of how skirts symbolize femininity, how uniforms represent authority, or how the color black denotes rebellion. Such meanings inevitably regulate the ways we dress.

The world is riddled with dress codes – coded meanings that are oppressive and restrictive in nature. Our choices of clothing are limited in this regard, not really our own. Capitalism regulates, exploits, and reinforces these coded meanings for profit. Exploitative labor practices, furthermore, pervade the fashion industry. Clothes are a thorny question… especially for anarchists.

What are the meanings of our clothes anyway? How are we to dress without reinforcing exploitation? How can we dress in ways as not to be complicit to oppression? What can we do to counteract the power and oppression of clothes? What would be the right strategy to liberate our clothes (and ourselves)? Should we simply stop caring? Opt-out of clothing all together? Or should we embrace and expand our clothing options? Embrace the creativity and self-expression of clothes? How do our clothes fit in(to) the movement? How to dress like an anarchist…?

Come join us for tonight’s session. Come dressed up as you, that is, as you are or otherwise want to be – or pick your most provocative, anarchistic, Marxist, or creative outfit. No garment is off-limit!


Radical Sunday School
radicalsundayschool [at] riseup [dot] net

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