Lonely Collective Day Cafe
- March 24th, 2025
Wednesday March 26, 2025, Lonely Wednesdays revamped, 15:00-20:00
After a hiatus of the great past edition, Lonely Wednesdays return to Joe’s on a (semi-)regular basis to serve as a Third Space for all who miss somewhere else to hang out that isn’t work, home, or the bar. Come with a book, or your favorite game, snacks, or nothing at all; tell your friends, see who shows up, chat with strangers; chill in the garden, snoop around the freeshop, or just zone out. This time we open 15:00-20:00 or so, next installments TBD (suggestions and volunteers welcome!)
As with the last edition, the aim is to keep it non-alcoholic so that everyone can level. (Herbal) teas and coffee and snacks will be served. Event is free, donations appreciated!
Lonely Collective Day Cafe https://lonely.squat.net/
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